
The following list is not intended to serve as a complete bibliography of all published material on Northern Saw-whet Owls.  As this web site grows we will include a more thorough bibliography as well as a way for Project Owlnet members to add additional references as they encounter them or publish findings from their own research related to Northern Saw-whet Owls.  When references are in the public domain and accessible on the internet links are provided to the articles.  A small number of publications that are not available on the internet are available from the Project Owlnet.  Most of the links below are to publications archived by SORA (Searchable Ornithological Research Archives).  If you know of references that should be added to the bibliography please contact Dave Brinker.

Bendire, Charles B. 1892. Life Histories of North American Birds, vol. 1. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C., pp.  446.

Bent, Arthur Cleveland. 1938. Life Histories of North American Birds of Prey, vol. 2. Smithsonian Institution Bull. 170. Washington, D.C., pp. 482.

Beckett, S. R. and G. A. Proudfoot.  2011.  Large-scale movement and migration of Northern Saw-whet Owls in Eastern North America.  The Wilson J. of Ornith. 123(3):521-535.

Beckett, S.R., and G.A. Proudfoot.  2012.  Sex-specific migration trends of Northern Saw-Whet Owls in eastern North America.  J. Raptor Res. 46:98-108.

Bowman, J., D. S. Badzinski andR. J. Brooks.  2009. The numerical response of breeding Northern Saw-whet Owls Aegolius acadicus suggests nomadism. J. Ornithol. 51:499-506.

Brewer, T. M. 1840. Wilson’s American Ornithology, with Notes by Jardine.  Otis Broaders and Co. Boston, pp. 746

Brinker, D.F.  2010.  Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus).  Pages 190-191 in 2nd Atlas of Breeding Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, ed. W.G. Ellison.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Brinker, D. F. and K. M. Dodge.  1993.  Breeding biology of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in Maryland: first nest record and associated observations.  Maryland Birdlife 49(1-4):3-15.

Brinker, D.F., K.E. Duffy, D.M. Whalen, B.D. Watts and K.M. Dodge. 1997. Autumn migration of northern saw-whet owls (Aegolius acadicus) in the middle Atlantic and northeastern United States: What observations from 1995 suggest. Pp. 74-89 in: J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson and T.H. Nicholls (Eds). Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, St. Paul. MN, pp. 635.

Brittain, R.  2008.  Characterizing Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) winter habitats in south-central Indiana.  Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science 117(1):71-80.

—————-, V. J. Meretsky, J. A. Gwinn, J. G. Hammond, and J. K. Reigel.  2009. Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) autumn migration magnitude and demographics in South-central Indiana.  J. Raptor Res. 43(3):199-209.

Buckholtz, P.G., M.H. Edwards, B.G. Ong and R.D. Weir. 1984. Differences by age and sex in the size of saw-whet owlsJ. Field Ornith. 55: 204-213.

Buidin, C., Y. Rochepault, M. Savard, and J. L. Savard.  2006.  Breeding range extension of the northern Saw-whet Owl in Quebec.  The Wilson J. of Ornith. 118(3):411-413.

Cheveau, M., P. Drapeau, L. Imbeau, and Y. Bergeron.  2004.  Owl Winter irruptions as an indicator of small mammal population cycles in the boreal forest of eastern North America.  Oikos 107:190-198.

Coues, Elliott. 1874. Birds of the Northwest. U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories. Washington, D.C., pp. 791.

Churchill, J. B.  1998.  Winter movements and habitat use of Northern Saw-whet Owls at Assateague Island, Maryland.  M. S. Thesis, West Virginia University, Morgantown WV,  pp. 95.

Cote, M. J. Ibarzabal, M. St-Laurent, J. Ferron, and R. Gagnon.  2007.  Age-dependent response of migrant and resident Aegolius owl species to small rodent population fluctuations in the eastern Canadian boreal forest.  J. Raptor Res. 41(1):16-25.

Davis, T. H.  1966.  The 1965 Saw-whet Owl invasion.  Kingbird 16(2):69-75.

De Ruyck, C.  2009.  Northern Saw-whet Owls: migration and population trends in Manitoba.  M. S. Thesis. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Man.  pp. 124.

Duffy, K.E. and P.E. Matheny. 1997. Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) captured at Cape May Point, N.J. 1980-1994: Comparison of two techniques. Pp. 131-137 in: J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson and T.H. Nicholls (Eds). Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station, St. Paul. MN, pp. 635.

—————- and P. Kerlinger. 1992. Autumn owl migration at Cape May Point, New JerseyWilson Bull., 104(2):312-320.

Duncan, J.R., S.R. Swengel, and A.B. Swengel.  2009.  Correlations of Northern Saw-whet Owl Aegolius acadicus calling indices from surveys in southern Wisconsin, USA, with owl and small mammal surveys in Manitoba, Canada, 1986-2006Ardea 97:489-496.

Dunn, E.H. and D.J.T. Hussell. 1995. Using migration counts to monitor landbird populations: review and evaluation of current status. Pp. 43-88 In D.M. Power (Ed), Current Ornithology, Vol. 12. Plenum Press, New York.

Erdman, T.C. and D.F. Brinker. 1997. Increasing mist net captures of migrant northern saw-whet owls (Aegolius acadicus) with an audiolure. Pp. 533-544 in: J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson and T.H. Nicholls (Eds). Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station. St. Paul, MN, pp. 635.

—————-, T. O. Meyer, J. H. Smith, and D. M. Erdman.  1997.  Autumn populations and movements of migrant Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) at Little Suamico, Wisconsin. Pp. 167-172 in: J.R. Duncan, D.H. Johnson and T.H. Nicholls (Eds). Biology and Conservation of Owls of the Northern Hemisphere. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-190. USDA Forest Service, North Central Research Station. St. Paul, MN, pp. 635.

Fike, Jean. 1999. Terrestrial and Palustrine Plant Communities of Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory. Harrisburg, PA, pp. 86.

Ford, Alice (Ed). 1957. The Bird Biographies of John James Audubon. Macmillan. New York, pp. 282.

Frye, G.G.  2012.  Autumn migration ecology of the Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus) in northern Montana.  J. Raptor Res. 46:177-183.

Groce, J. E., and M. L. Morrison.  2010. Habitat use by Saw-whet Owls in the Sierra Nevada.  J. Wildl. Man. 74(7):1523-1532.

Gromme, O.J., 1963. The Birds of Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Press. Madison, WI, pp. 219.

Hinam, H.L., and C.C. St. Clair.  2008.  High levels of habitat loss and fragmentation limit reproductive success by reducing home range size and provisioning rates of Northern Saw-whet Owls.  Biol. Conserv. 141:524-535.

Holroyd, G.L. and J.G. Woods. 1975. Migration of the saw-whet owl in eastern North AmericaBird-Banding 46:101-105.

Holschuh, C. I.  2001.  Monitoring habitat quality and condition of Queen Charlotte Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus brooksi) using vocal individuality.  M. S. Thesis, University of Northern British Columbia, BC.  pp.84.

Hussell, D.J.T. and C.J. Ralph. 1996. Recommended methods for monitoring bird populations by counting and capture of migrants.  Unpubl. report of the North American Migration Monitoring Council.

Jesche, C.F. and D.F. Brinker. 1996.  Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadicus). Pages 188-189 in Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Maryland and the District of Columbia, ed. C. S. Robbins and E.A.T. Blom. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.

Josephson, B. 1980. Ageing and sexing snowy owls. J. of Field Ornithology  51(2): 149-160.

Lambert, G.  1949.  Saw-whet Owl recommended band size questionable. Bird Banding 20(3):186.

Lauff, R. F.  2009.  First nest record of the Boreal Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Nova Scotia, Canada.  Ardea 97(4):497-502.

Leppert, L., T. Zadorozhny, J. R. Beltohoff, A. M. Dufty, Jr., S. L. Stock, G. Kaltenecker, and J. F. Smith.  2006.  Sex identification in four owl species from Idaho: DNA and morphometircs.  J. Raptor Res. 40(4):291-294.

Lesser, F.H. and A.R. Stickley. 1967. Occurrence of the saw-whet owl in FloridaAuk 84:3 425.

Ligon, D.J.  1969. Some aspects of temperature relations in small owlsAuk 86:5 458-472.

Marks, J.S. and J.H. Doremus. 2000. Are Northern Saw-whet Owls nomadic?  J. Raptor Res. 34:4 299-304.

———————————–. 1988. Breeding season diet of the Northern Saw-whet Owl in southwestern IdahoWilson Bull. 100:4 690-694.

———————————– and R. J. Cannings.  1989.  Polygyny in the Northern Saw-whet OwlAuk 106(3):732-734.

Moser, B.W.  2002.  Reproductive success of Northern Saw-whet Owls nesting in hybrid popular plantations.  Northwest Sci. 76:353-355.

Mueller, H.C. and D.D. Berger. 1967. Observations on migrating saw-whet owlsBird-Banding, 38:120-125.

Mumford, R. E., and R. L. Zusi.  1958.  Notes on movements, territory, and habitat of wintering Saw-whet Owls.  Wilson Bull. 70(2):188-191.

Olson, S.L. 2012. A new species of small owl of the genus Aegolius (Aves: Strigidae) from Quaternary deposits on Bermuda. Proc. Bio. Soc. Washington. 125(2):97-105.

Priestly, L. T., C. Priestly, D. M. Collister, D. Zazelenchuk, M. Hanneman.  2010.  Encounters of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) from banding stations in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada.  J. Raptor Res. 44(4):300-310.

Pyle P. 1997. Identification Guide to North American Birds – part 1. Bolinas, CA: Slate Creek Press.

—————-. 1997b.  Flight-feather molt patterns and age in North American owls.  Monogr. Field Ornith. 2:1-32.  Colorado Springs, CO: American Birding Association.

Reese, J. G.  1966.  An unprecedented concentration of Saw-whet Owls.  Maryland Birdlife 22(2):31.

Robbins, C.S. and W.T. Van Velzen. 1968. Field List of the Birds of Maryland. Maryland Ornithological Society. Baltimore, MD, pp. 44.

Saunders, W.E. 1907. A Migration disaster in western OntarioAuk 24:108-110.

Seidensticker, M.T., D.W. Holt, J. Detienne, S. Talbot and K. Gray. Sexing young snowy owlsJ. Raptor Research 45(4): 281-289.

Slack, R.S. 1992. An unexpected sex ratio in a sample of northern saw-whet owlsNorth American Bird Bander 17:1-5.

Solheim, R. 2012. Wing feather moult and age determination of snowy owls Bubo scandiacus. Ornis Norvegica 35:48-67.

Speicher, J., L. Schreffler and D. Speicher.  2011.  Lunar influence on the fall migration of Northern Saw-whet Owls.  The Wilson J. Ornith 123( ): 158-160.

Stock, S. L., P. Heglund, G. S. Kaltenecker, J. D. Carlisle, and L. Leppert.  2006.  Comparative ecology of the Flammulated Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl during fall migration.  J. Raptor Res. 40(2):120-129.

Sundell, J., O. Huitu, H. Henttonen, A. Kaikusalo, E. Korprimaki, H. Pietiainen, P. Saurola, and I. Hanski.  2004.  Large-scale spatial dynamics of vole populations in Finland revelaed by the breeding success of vole-eating avian predators.  J. Animal Ecol. 73( ): 167-178.

Taverner, P.A. and B.H. Swales. 1911. Notes on the migration of the saw-whet owlAuk 28:329-334.

Weidensaul, C.S., B.A. Colvin, D.F. Brinker and J.S. Huy. 2011. Use of Ultraviolet Light as an Aid in Age Classification of Owls. The Wilson J. Ornith. 123:373–377.

—————-.  Migration and wintering ecology of northern saw-whet owls. Pennsylvania Studies in Avian Ecology and Conservation, Majumdar et al, eds.  Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 2010.

Weir, R. D., F. Cook, M. H. Edwards, and R. B. Stewart.  1980.  Fall migration of Saw-whet Owls at Prince Edward Point, Ontario.  Wilson Bull. 92(4):475-488.

Whalen and  Watts, 1999. The influence of audio-lures on capture patterns of migrant Northern Saw-whet Owls.  J. Field Ornith. 70:163-168

—————-.  2002.  Annual migration density and stopover patterns of Northern Saw-whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus).  Auk 119(4):1154-1161.

Wood, N.A. 1951. The Birds of Michigan. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Ann Arbor, MI, pp. 559.